Packaging meant to communicate a purpose

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Packaging meant to communicate a purpose

Bishan Kumar

Packaging creates brand recognition and plays a more important role in consumer decisions than one might think. A product’s packaging communicates many things; from what the product can do for customers,or add to a company’s values. It is argued that that packaging is as important as the product itself because it’s a critical marketing and communication tool for one’s business. Every year, 95 percent of new products fail. The reason is simple: Most customers don’t have the time or energy to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of the products in their shopping carts, so they use a shortcut to make decisions. That shortcut is the product’s packaging. Packaging is powerful because it tells consumers why your product and brand are different. Apple is known for its clean, minimalist packaging. Also, when we think about some of our favorite brands, they all have one thing in common: they are memorable. The recognizable brands do not change the core values, only play with colour etc to build greater appeal.


Since market shelves’ spaces are limited, they lead to a constant struggle to catch the customer’s attention. Out-of-the box ideas are emerging, companies are going beyond their comfort zones and investing on labels, cartons, mono-carton and bottles & closures to create much–needed first impression on prospective buyers.Everyone is competing to be on top of his or her game.


It is important to remember that one-third of a consumer’s decision-making is based solely on product packaging. To succeed, your brand packaging has to stand out and look different from your competitors. For example, one of Captain Morgan’s most recent products, Cannon Blast, comes in a not-so-standard container. The bottle is actually shaped like a cannon ball. Not only is the design relevant to the name of the product, it’s also eye-catching and markedly different from what many of its competitors offer.

According to a report, the colors used in product packaging play a key role in consumer buying decisions. Our brain reacts to colors in different ways, so one should choose packaging colors accordingly. “For example, products with white packaging convey simplicity, safety and purity. Color experts cite that the more colors are added to a product’s package, the less sophisticated the product is. Other colors, like blue, convey many different meanings. A light sky blue color is considered more playful, while a dark navy is considered much more professional. Worldwide, blue is the most liked color, but that doesn’t mean you should automatically choose the likable color. It’s important to study the target demographic before deciding on a color scheme for your product packaging,” suggests a report.


Packaging can continue to influence a company’s sales as it grows larger, too. According to a study, Miller Coors’ sales slumped, but the Miller Lite retro can bumped sales by nearly 5 percent. MillerCoors didn’t change its beer; it just changed the can it came in.

All brand owners have a great opportunity to create a lasting impression on the shelf and in the minds of their customers. Go for it, and bring in change.