
Nocheluna Sotol enters Europe

New Update
Nocheluna Sotol enters Europe

Nocheluna Sotol, funded by Pernod Ricard and co-founded by musician Lenny Kravitz, has debuted in four European countries i.e. in France, the United Kingdom, Spain, and Italy for US$80.

Recently, the brand made its debut in the French capital on 24th May where Kravitz, Moises Guindi, the Founder and CEO of Casa Lumbre, and Alexandre Ricard, the CEO and Chairman of Pernod Ricard, were present at the launch.

The local sotol (dasylirion) plant, which is indigenous to Mexico's Chihuahuan Desert, is used to make this spirit. The sotol plant can withstand scorching, dry days and cool nights in the desert. For manufacturing of this beverage, the plant's cabezas or heads are roasted in open-air wooden vats for 72–96 hours before being fermented for a week. After that, the liquid is being refined in copper stills.