
Life sentence for individuals involved in liquor poisoning  

By Spiritz Desk
New Update
Life sentence for individuals involved in liquor poisoning  

The Supreme Court of India has recently upheld the conviction and life sentence of some individuals who were involved in a conspiracy of liquor poisoning. The liability of all conspirators for offenses committed, even if some of them did not actively participate, was emphasised by the apex court. The appellants were implicated in a 2003 incident resulting in deaths and injuries, and were convicted under various sections of the Indian Penal Code and the Abkari Act.

The appellants’ association with the primary conspirator, involvement in harmful alcohol distribution, and fabrication of records was established by the court. Destruction of evidence was highlighted as linking the accused to a larger conspiracy. Active involvement and knowledge of the harmful substance's nature was emphasised in the ruling, which led to the conclusion that the accused were part of the conspiracy.