
Rebirth of Brora distillery

New Update


The iconic ‘ghost’ distillery of Brora in Sutherland, Scotland, has officially begun production after its meticulous three-year-long restoration was completed.

Having closed in 1983 during one of the most challenging periods for the industry, for decades Brora has been viewed as one of the lost icons of the whisky world. During its time of closure, the distillery and its whisky gained legendary status among whisky connoisseurs the world over.

With meticulous attention to heritage detail, the 202-year-old Brora stillhouse was taken down and rebuilt stone-by-stone exactly as it was when new in 1819, but now fit for another two centuries of production. The original Brora two classic copper pot stills were refurbished.

The restored distillery is now expected to safeguard a sustainable future for Brora, with the installation of a biomass boiler powered by sustainably sourced wood chips from Northern Scotland. The distillery will be a carbon neutral distillery entirely powered by on-site renewable energy.

The distillery will welcome visitors in small numbers on a by-appointment basis, bookable via, from July. Visits to the distillery will include tastings of rare Brora releases.