Take a Rummy Tour across the World

On World Rum Day, The Rum Geography introduced a unique global platform for rum enthusiasts, offering an extensive directory of distilleries and travel itineraries across over 100 countries.

By Spiritz Desk
New Update
Take a Rummy Tour across the World 5

A unique rum travel platform has ushered in a new era on World Rum Day that will help rum lovers to not only explore rum producing distilleries but also throw open the doors to interesting travel itineraries.

Ewan Henderson TRG

Armchair travel has been around for a long time for those who may not actually take a train, plane, boat or bus and yet explore the world. And then there is Lonely Planet for those who actually want to pack their bags and set off on adventures, either taking the path well-travelled or taking the tangential road to rather virgin destinations.

And now, there is a new spin to it – a first-of-its-kind global platform for rum lovers to find producers and rum destinations in over 100 countries. This is a unique initiative by The Rum Geography taken to celebrate World Rum Day that takes place on 13th July each year.

The Rum Geography, a UK-registered business headquartered in Glasgow, Scotland, started in 2023. Through it a team of technology and rum specialists are on a mission to make the rum landscape more accessible and support the burgeoning rum category.

TRG Logo


The simple-to-use site offers the most comprehensive directory of rum brands with detailed information on what they make and other interesting facts around their craft. “For rum lovers, a central hub is finally here,” says Ewan Henderson, Founder of The Rum Geography.

This platform fills a critical gap for both consumers and the rum industry. Imagine Lonely Planet, but for rum lovers! With the motto of ‘Explore Rum Everywhere’, the site offers rum travel guides, expert advice and insider tips on destinations, helping rum lovers and newcomers get the most out of their rum adventures.

Fun with Rum

With the 14 billion USD global rum market booming, rumgeography.com empowers travellers to discover a world of possibilities while supporting local rum producers. Unlike other sites, The Rum Geography team is continually updating the platform’s data in real time to reveal the true scale of rum production worldwide. “Travel has rebound with a new generation seeking slower, authentic adventures that empower local communities. Our travel data unlocks hidden gems and local experiences for partners to offer personalised, FOMO-busting itineraries for your clients,” explains Henderson.

For rum lovers, the site offers everything you need to explore in one place – brands, locations, production information and the ability to unlock member-only content. For travel planners, it helps shape the future of rum inspired travel with partnerships that enrich experiences and promote unique vacations, and for rum brands, it offers a platform to take centrestage and stand out. “Share events, connect with more rum lovers, and unlock new experiential partnership opportunities,” is Henderson’s advice.


Rum in your Neighbourhood

The site shatters the myth that rum is just for exotic vacations. Users can discover neighbourhood distilleries in most US cities or across Europe and Australia for a weekend getaway.

Modern rum distillery visits can offer much and are more than just a tour. Step into the past to uncover an island’s rich history and discover fascinating engineering artefacts. Admire stunning gardens and award-winning art and architecture. Savour local dishes, get hands-on at a cocktail workshop or unwind with friends to the rhythm of live music.

“Rum Geography sheds light on developing rum markets and new trends. By learning from developed markets, we can improve the rum ecosystem, and highlight the exciting rum scene in India,” says Arjit Boseman, Co-Founder and Partner of The Lovers Rum, Bar Spirit Forward in Bengaluru and Bar Outrigger in Goa.

Rum: The Big Shot Drink

The Rum Geography is driven by two key inspirations. The first is a desire to reunite rum with its diverse geographical roots. Secondly, the founder recognised the success of whisky, which has benefited from a well-established, map-based approach. Despite its incredible global diversity, rum has remained largely unexplored. The Rum Geography completely changes this.

Rum producing countries have invested heavily in recent years’ visitor attraction upgrades. The USA with the most rum producers (over 500) has recent figures showing overall distillery tourism is on the rise. Tourism Economics research found the total economic impact of distillery tourism generated 715.2 million USD in Texas, 546.4 million USD in New York and 417.8 million USD in California.

Camikara rum warehouse